04-10-2014 Meeting Agenda for Northern Wisconsin NORML
We did not host a video this month. Board members in attendance: Jay, Linda and Danielle. Board Members Absent: Jessica and Jason. In lieu of the Meeting Minutes, here is the Meeting Agenda as posted before the meeting.
March 2014 Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Bal $516.68, PayPal $316.36, Spreadshirt $9.71, Contributions $126.80, Expenses $87.43 (Plus postage paid by Rich for mailing shirt)
Field Activist Reports:
5 New Members, 3 through website, and 2 from Jay S
Website Analytics: Visits 959, Unique Visitors 834, Pageviews 1714, Pages / Visit: 1.79, Avg. Visit Duration 1:49, % New Visits 83.52%
Steve purchased and donated a event tent! Thank you Steve!
Old Business:
Rich: Libertarian Party State Convention… April 12th? Neenah. Are we tabling? You speaking?
5th Annual Hemp History Week which will be held the week of June 2-8, 2014:
Rich and Gene to look at Wausau area, possible Library for this event.
Gene: Business Card Update?
New Business:
Elections in May 2014… So April we should have candidates announced.
Executive Director: is the spokesperson for the organization. The Director presides at all meetings, and promotes an effective liaison with other organizations, politicians, the media, the public, and the national office of NORML.
Assistant Director: serves as Acting Director when the Director is unable to do so, and assists the Director in his or her duties.
Secretary: keeps and safeguards both open and closed membership rosters, takes the minutes of meetings, and initiates all press releases. Where viable the Secretary is responsible for sending updates of the membership rosters, minutes from the meetings, newspaper clips, press releases, and periodic Movement Update Forms to the national office of NORML.
Treasurer: is responsible for accounting, banking and disbursement of funds. Accounting should include expense and income reports by category on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.
Field Director: Special projects, fund raising, new member recruitment and to handle special duties and situations not covered above.