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Don’t get high – get real. Article by Tim Lyke, Ripon Commonwealth Press
Printed in the Ripon Commonwealth Press, Issue No. 26 on Thursday, July 1st, 2010. The contest to represent Ripon residents and others who live in state Assembly District 41 looks to involve the candidacies of at least two individuals with farm-related interests. The incumbent, Rep. Joan Ballweg, R-Markesan, is a co-owner of Ballweg Implement, a John Deere dealership that she…
08-10-2015 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
Northern Wisconsin NORML Board Meeting for August 10th, 2015 Roll Call for Board of Directors: Rich, Jason, Jay, Jessica, Gene were all present. In addition, 6 other people attended, and 1 stopped in before the meeting but could not stay. There were no Public Comments: August Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Bal $1,698.79, PayPal $278.05, Spreadshirt $4.60 ( last sale in Feb…
06-12-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
The June 12 meeting of Northern WI NORML was called to order at 5:30 pm. Board Members Present: Gene, Jay, Jessie, John Absent: Jason Others in attendance: Lucas, Christina, Rich, and new member Jared who joined the chapter tonight. We began with the Treasurer’s report. The report was approved and seconded by Gene. At this time we opened the meeting…
11-09-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
11-9-2010 Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting Minutes We opened the meeting with a discussion about the elections and the Marijuana positive candidates. Jay brought up the point that 4 monthly meetings sound daunting to some people. It may give the impression that we are too work oriented or too serious – meeting weekly at the library is not drawing the attentiont…
10-11-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
10-11-12 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML Rich called the meeting to order at 5:35pm. Jessica read the minutes from last meeting and they were approved. Rich read the treasurer’s report provided by Jay, who is unable to attend. He provided Jessica with a copy of the treasurer’s report. Rich suggested that for those who are farther away, they could…
Northern Wisconsin NORML chapter is forming now!
We are trying to start a new local Wisconsin NORML chapter – please join us in making a difference at a local level in Northern Wisconsin. We plan to have alternating day and evening meetings, occurring on each Tuesday of the month. For more information, and to find out about upcoming meetings and events, visit our website. — Your…