01-10-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
1-10-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
Board Members in attendance: Rich, Jessie, Nox
Members in attendance: Frank, Alia, Jason
Others in attendance: Chris came in at 5:55pm
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm.
Rich read the treasurer’s report since Jay is not present.
Rich then discussed the Madison Lobby Day that is upcoming on Wed. Jan 16th. To find out who your representatives are, go to http://legis.wisconsin.gov/Pages/waml.aspx – find your legislator and print the page out, so that we can help you find your legislator’s office on the 16th.
This Sunday, between 2-4pm, Madison NORML is holding Lobby Training Day for those who want to prepare ahead of time. The dates and times for training are on Jan 13th from 2-4pm and Jan 14th from 7-9pm at the Wil-Mar Center — 953 Jenifer St. Madison, WI
Rich gave an overview of the various topics that we could discuss with our legislators.
Wisconsin needs to become a Ballot Initiative State
Wisconsin needs to Deschedule / Reschedule Cannabis
Removal of Felony charges from second offense Cannabis crimes
Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act
Wisconsin needs to make Cannabis the lowest law enforcement priority
We discussed the question of public safety and public health and what the concerns of law enforcement and legislators might be when cannabis is legalized. We need to find out which legislators are going to step up and work with us, and which legislators will oppose us. This is what Lobby Day will help to accomplish.
Rich is nominating Jay Selthofner to receive a legislative citation from Joan Ballweg, his legislator, who has posted in her email newsletter that she is currently taking nominations. We should all nominate him for his tireless efforts to change unjust laws in Wisconsin as well as educating voters and encouraging people to become interested in local and nationwide politics: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/ballweg/constituent-services/Pages/default.aspx
Rich discussed that we are advocating for responsible adult use of cannabis by those who are 21 and older only. Researchers have shown that until around age 20, your brain is still developing. It is important that our legislators understand that this is our position.
Rich extended a “Thank You” to the cannabis activists who have helped in any way shape or form. Whether you discuss cannabis and hemp with friends and family, educate strangers, contact your legislators, post rants and raves on craigslist, march with signs, volunteer and donate to your local NORML chapter, share scientific information about cannabis on your social networks, or any other method that you choose to engage in activism, we thank you very much for your efforts. It is all helpful and makes a difference.
We discussed the Valentine’s Day Initiative – see our website for past V Day initiative information.
Rich read some ideas out loud that Jay had given him for upcoming events and projects.
Rich did go out and do his “Change for Change” project during bar time in Downtown Appleton. It was freezing outside that weekend, and no one was out on the streets, so he did not stay out long. We need to try this idea in the spring/summer when the streets are packed with students and other people. Winter is probably not the best time of year to walk the streets looking for donations. You do need a solicitor’s permit to collect donations in many cities – if you want to do this for the chapter, you can, but make sure you have the proper permits! The “Change for Change” label that was designed for us by a member is available to view on our facebook page:
Nox updated us on New York and Pennsylvania cannabis legalization news and efforts.
In Wisconsin, we really need to get the farmers on our side. That begins with education. Keep educating your friends, family, co-workers, and anyone else who will listen.
The next meeting is going to be on Thursday, Feb 14th, 2013. Meeting Minutes are archives on our website. Google/YouTube video archives of meetings are available on our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NorthernWINORML
Check the calendar of events for other events and updates. http://www.northernwinorml.org/Calendar/
The meeting was adjourned at 6:23 pm.