09-13-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML

9-13-12 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
The September Meeting was called to order at 5:45pm
Board Members present:
Rich Martin
Jay Selthofner
Jessica Franke
Jason Egger
Rich asked for the meeting minutes to be read from August. Jay presented a motion to waive the reading. Linda seconded it. We waived the reading of the meeting minutes.
Jay gave the treasurer’s report for August 2012. Ending balance is about $400 for the month.
We moved on to old business. Rich thanked Elizabeth and the other volunteers who created the Northern WI NORML booth at the Big Green Sustainable Music Fest. The event was a success, and had good results.
Moms for Marijuana: Linda completed the Wisconsin section of the quilt and sent it in. They should have received it today. She gave pictures to Nox and he displayed them for us.
We had a brief break while we cleared up a technical issue and got the hangout back online.
Madison NORML is holding a Disc Golf tournament to raise insurance money for Harvest Fest.
Madison Harvest Fest is Oct. 6-7 – we will have a booth for the 2nd year in a row. the booth we had last year was 10×20 and we will be able to borrow the same tent again, as well as a 2nd tent, which is 10×10. The treasurer authorized Rich to find a book display that we can buy for the chapter for this and other events, to display our books and other materials more easily.
Sunday of Harvest Fest is the 4:20pm march to the capital. Last year we had a sign making stand, where we provided posterboard, markers and other materials for signs. This year we want to do the same, but we want to make a list of some easy to read slogans that people can use if they don’t know what to write.
Jay and Rich will both be speaking on Saturday. We need to make sure that on Sunday, since our speakers will not be on the stage to direct people to the sign making booth, we will have to ask one of the sunday speakers to give us a shout out in the hour or two before the parade.
We need volunteers to come and help with set up and tear down both days. We need people to sign up for specific shifts so we can organize. Last year, the same 4-5 people were there all day, and did all of the set up and tear down. We need more help, and more organized help.
Answers to Energy event: our spot is secure, bought and paid for. The date is October 20th. Rich is manning the booth but needs a volunteer to help him that day.
Spreading chapter awareness:
Rich reminded us that when you go to a comedy club, festival, state fair, etc. try to wear a Northern WI NORML or other NORML tshirt to let the public know there are active chapters in the state. We currently have NE WI NORML, SE WI NORML, Madision NORML, Eau Claire NORML, and a field branch in Green Bay. We need to let people know that we are here and that we need them to join and help. If you want to join but are too far from a meeting, you can join our hangout online, or start your own satellite chapter in your area.
Linda discussed the Moms for Marijuana Chalk Walk. They go out and write on sidewalks with messages about how wholesome marijuana is, how helpful it is… we could do that, and take pictures and tag them on facebook, etc.
Jay discussed that we really need people to call their assembly rep. and let them know when you are going to be holding signs, or other things, and let them know that these events are happening and that you want the law changed.
Rich mentioned the picture that we took of him at the Free Fishing Day in June, of him holding Steve Elliott’s little black book of Marijuana. Jessie posted it and tagged Steve on facebook, and he re-posted it and it went viral. We should see if we can take some other pictures of chapter members with books or other products and get some attention for the chapter, to draw in new members who may not know that we exist yet.
Nox discussed that Lawrence college would be a great resource for finding students to join and volunteer. Jay thinks we need a student to work with us, a “student coordinator” perhaps, because that is what we need in order to get into the school to do an expo or awareness event. Students are our future leaders. We need to find outreach coordinators who can set up events in their area, since we don’t have the resources to go to distant communities and hold events.
Rich discussed “Change for Change”. We could go up and down college avenue during bar time asking for “change for change”. Rich will need to get a solicitor’s permit to do this, so if there are any volunteers who want to do this, let him know and he will get that done.
Lst order of meeting: Jay will no longer be able to come for Thursday meetings due to a long term change of plans. Rich mentioned considering changing the date. Jay brought up several reasons why it might be detrimental to change the meeting dates.
There was no other business to discuss.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:33pm.
Existing Members in Attendance: Robert, Linda
New Members in Attendance: 6 (emails colllected and added to spreadsheet)