Presidential Escort Airplane Picture over Menominee, Michigan in 2020
I can’t pretend I know anything about airplanes, but my buddy Nait told me that this is a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey.
I can’t pretend I know anything about airplanes, but my buddy Nait told me that this is a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey.
The Northern Wisconsin NORML meeting began at 6:30 pm at the Appleton Public Library . Chapter Secretary Jessica Struzik is recording the meeting minutes. Board Members present: Kris Teegardin, Jay Selthofner, Richard Martin Jr., Jessica Struzik In addition, 18 other people attended either all or some part of the meeting. Kris opened the meeting by asking each person present to…
Charmie Gholson and Tori LaChapelle Speak at the 40th Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival on Saturday Oct 2, 2010. Charmie Gholson Charmie Gholson is co-owner and Editor of the Midwest’s first and only medical marijuana trade journal, The Midwest Cultivator. She is a working journalist, ghostwriter, drug policy reform advocate, mother of three sons and oldest of three sisters. She lives…
Jay Selthofner speaks at Madison Hemp Fest Saturday Oct 2, 2010 Jay Selthofner, Executive Director of Northern Wisconsin NORML and Independent candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly, speaks at the 40th Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival on Saturday Oct 2, 2010. Jay Selthofner is running for Wisconsin State Assembly in District 41 as an Independent candidate. He is passionate about…
This past weekend we held an event to celebrate Wisconsin’s free fishing weekend. We had a good time! The DNR stopped out to see our unique event, which we thought was exciting, and they were just in time to get a great picture of a supporter from Madison NORML and a fish that he caught (and released). All in all,…
Green Lake County Event Scheduled for June 5th: Potluck Picnic Dartford Millpond Playground Park, Green Lake June 5, 2010, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.; This is a Potluck Picnic event open to all ages. Activities include fishing demonstrations, tips from experienced anglers, a tackle box review, knot-tying demonstrations, and casting. There will be experienced anglers on hand to offer assistance,…