Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
I am the Treasurer and Webmaster for Friends of Jay Selthofner ( Jay is an independent political candidate who has never run for any type of public office before. He is currently challenging incumbent Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) for the Wisconsin State Assembly seat in District 41 on a platform of the full legalization of Industrial Hemp, Medical Marijuana, and Recreational cannabis. We need help to spread the word about his campaign!
Jay Selthofner is a concerned citizen activist who is passionate about creating new jobs in farming and other sectors, improving our local economy, healing hurting patients, conserving natural resources, and other issues. He is the Wisconsin ambassador for Americans for Safe Access, the Secretary for Wisconsin NORML, and a former board member for Madison NORML. He is the current Executive Director of Northern Wisconsin NORML, which meets weekly at the Berlin, Wisconsin Public Library. If you would like a chance to see Jay in action and speak with him personally on any issue, check out the Calendar page on his website for the times and locations of upcoming meetings and events.
Jay is not a career politician, and he is doing this on a shoestring budget with a little help from his friends, so any assistance you can offer would be appreciated very much. Any of these things would help make a huge difference in promoting Jay’s campaign:
- A donation of $4.20, $42.00, or $420.00 to the Friends of Jay Selthofner campaign fund
- A link to from your website
- A press release or mention on your blog
- Volunteering to help out with events
- Walking in parades with us
- Writing Sound-Offs and Letters to the Editor to local papers
…and more!
We currently need to raise at least $420 for office supplies (flyers, brochures, ink, paper, and other materials), and we would also like to make some business cards for Jay to hand out (we designed them – now we just need $60 + shipping), and we’d really love to run some Google and Facebook ads ($500 should be a good test run). If you can afford to, please make a donation so we can do these things and more!
We are open to hearing any other ideas that you have about how to promote Jay and get the word out about his campaign.
To find out more about Jay’s platform, and for more information about the topics of Medical Marijuana, Industrial Hemp, and Recreational Cannabis, visit Jay’s website:
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
Jessica Franke, Treasurer
Friends of Jay Selthofner