Meet My Friend: Jay Selthofner, running for WI State Assembly, District 41
I would like to introduce you to my friend, Jay Selthofner, who is running for Wisconsin State Assembly in District 41 as an Independent candidate. He is passionate about improving our local economy and our environment, is a respected member of the local business community, and he understands very well the problems facing the farmers, businesses, families, and other citizens who make up the Wisconsin economy.

In the interest of full disclosure, I would like to state up front that I am the volunteer webmaster for Friends of Jay Selthofner and I am in the process of creating a website for him. However, no one asked me to write this, I am not being compensated for it in any way, and it is solely my personal opinion as a citizen who is concerned about the state of the economy, our environment, and the many other urgent issues facing us today. (I didn’t start a company called “Green Web Design” for no reason! 🙂 I have spent a lot of time learning about what Jay thinks on the issues that are most important to me in the past few weeks, and I really believe that his plans and ideas will work. He’s a really nice guy who cares about his community. Vote for Jay Selthofner for Wisconsin State Assembly in November!

Jay’s proposal to legalize Industrial hemp in Wisconsin once again would not only create many different types of jobs and generate revenue for our state, it would also help the environment in the process at no additional cost, making things cleaner and safer for ourselves and for future generations.
- Industrial Hemp can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre. This is four times what an average forest can yield.
- Industrial Hemp can displace cotton – 50% of all the world’s pesticides are sprayed on cotton.
- Industrial Hemp can displace wood fiber and save forests for watershed, wildlife habitat, recreation and oxygen production, carbon sequestration (reduces global warming), and other values.
With the BP oil spill and other environmental disasters that are going on all over the world at the moment, now more than ever I hope that people will realize we can’t go on using endless natural resources and wantonly polluting forever as though there are no consequences. We are killing ourselves, and our world economy is in shambles. How much do you think this oil spill going to cost us to clean up when it’s all said and done? At what cost to the environment? How many lives changed by health problems as a result of the cleanup efforts and how much of the fishing industry harmed? If you’re not alarmed, you’re not paying attention. Want to know what you can do to help in Wisconsin? For starters, vote for Jay Selthofner for Wisconsin State Assembly in District 41, and vote for Industrial Hemp in Wisconsin. We can create biofuel from Industrial Hemp, as well as many diverse and beneficial products including textiles, medicines, and foods.
No amount of money can buy clean water, air, and soil if there is none left anywhere in the world. It’s only going to cost us more in the long run if we destroy the scarce natural resources contained in this tiny planet that we all must live on, while foolishly refusing to use cleaner, better resources whenever they are available to us. We must develop cheaper, safer technologies for the future. Industrial Hemp can be a valuable asset, as it was for over 12,000 years around the world. Hemp can actually clean up toxins from the ground. This process is called phytoremediation. A good example of this is when hemp was used to help clean up the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site to remove radioactive elements from the ground. Why couldn’t we use it to try and help clean up the oil spill? If we have to wait months for a fix that works anyways, why not get growing now so we have one more option to help clean up this disaster!
The bottom line is that we need to work towards boosting the economy and trying to save our global water supply from massive scale pollution. We also need to spend our tax dollars to fight violent drug cartels and other ACTUAL criminals, rather than farmers, cancer and other types of sick or dying patients, as well as decent, taxpaying citizens who aren’t hurting anyone, even themselves.
Rather than bailing out the mega corporations that cumulatively contributed towards the whole sorry mess to begin with, we need to bail out our farmers, as well as patients and citizens who need jobs. We need to introduce and vote on compassionate laws which heal our economy and our environment while respecting human rights. The penalties for breaking a law should never be more harmful than the crime. Especially when it’s an unjust law to begin with. Refusing to hear any of the facts before rushing in with guns blazing is NOT acceptable anymore. We need effect an actual change, one which benefits us all. We need jobs, we need for our economy to recover, and we need to start working towards a cleaner, safer environment for all. Visit Jay’s website: You can also follow him on facebook: *If you click “like” on facebook, you can keep up with his campaign between now and November!
Please come to the polls and vote for Jay if you live in the following areas: Wisconsin District 41 covers parts of Waushara County, Green Lake County, Marquette County, and Fond du Lac County. Cities in District 41 include: Springwater, Saxeville, Bloomfield, Wild Rose, Wautoma, Mount Morris, Leon, Poysippi, Coloma, Richford, Dakota, Marion, Redgranite, Warren, Aurora, Newton, Crystal Lake, Neshkoro, Seneca, St. Marie, Berlin, Mecan, Princeton, Brooklyn, Green Lake, Ripon, Metomen, Alto, Marquette, Kingston, Manchestor, Mackford, Markesan, Fairwater, Brandon, Omro, Fremont, and more!