Northern Wisconsin NORML chapter is forming now!
We are trying to start a new local Wisconsin NORML chapter – please join us in making a difference at a local level in Northern Wisconsin. We plan to have alternating day and evening meetings, occurring on each Tuesday of the month.
For more information, and to find out about upcoming meetings and events, visit our website.
Your state local efforts are very important.We need to establish a network of citizen-advocates around the nation to advance the cause of ending marijuana prohibition and stopping the arrests of responsible smokers. Currently NORML has over 100 active chapters around the U.S.A. (and world) working hard in their communities to change these laws.
We’re going to need to get many more people involved to effect real change. Establishing a NORML chapter is, arguably, one of the the most effective things you can do.
Your willingness to support NORML at the state and local level is greatly appreciated.
Former House Speaker Tip O’Neil was famous for saying that “all politics are local.” It’s important that your NORML chapter concentrate locally and organize from the town/city level to the state level.
Working together we’ll end cannabis prohibition once and for all.